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UP Form-A
UP's annual budget
Bhabaniganj Union Parishad (LGD ID 4514315), Upazila: Laxmipur Sadar
District: Lakshmipur Fiscal Year: 2021-2022
Budget for the next financial year (Money)
Current Finance - Revised Budget (Money) for the year 2020-2021
Actual (money) of previous financial year 2021-2022

1234: 690 / -

A) Own source

1) Union tax, rate and fee 250,000 / -

     A) Tax on the annual value of the house 1,60,000 / -

     B) Tax arrears on the annual value of the dwelling house 250,000 / -

2) Tax on Business Occupation and Livelihood 1,00,000 / -
3) Entertainment tax 1,00,000 / -
A) Tax on movies 1,07,050 / -
B) Tax on travel, drama and other entertainment programs 3,50,000 / -
4) License and permit fee issued by the council is Rs. 3,00,000 / -.
5) Receipt for lease 96,249 / -
 A) Receipt of Hatbazar lease 20,000 / -
B) Receipt of Ferry Term Lease 20,000 / -
C) Receipt of Jal Mahal Lease 20,000 / -
6) License fee of Rs. 50,000 / - on vehicles other than motor vehicles
6) Other 15,400 / -
A) Khoyar 15,000 / -
B) Birth and Death Certificate 16,000 / -
C) Village Court Fee 21,650 / -
D) Grants from NGOs or private development agencies 1,890
E) People's Participation or Contribution Contribution 41,748 / -
B) Government grant of Rs. 600,000 / -
1) Development Sector 11,00,000 / -
A) Agriculture
B) Health and Sewerage 1,600,000 / -
C) Road construction / repair 14,00,000 / -
D) Other Wholesale / Increased Wholesale Allocation 11,64,570 / -
2) Installation 1,55,500 / -
A) Allowance of Chairman and members 1,55,500 / -
B) Salary and allowance of Secretary and other employees 3,8,912 / -
3) Other 3,8,912 / -
Bhahmi Hastmamatmar Tax 16,00,000 / -
10,32,051 / -

C) Local Government Sources 600,000 / -

1) Rs. 500,000 / - given by Upazila Parishad

2) Rs. 59,59,412 / - given by District Council

3) Other 45,91,412 / -

    Total 25,02,406 / -