Price list of services provided from the digital center
Serial name is the highest value of the service
1 Online birth registration (application + printing, excluding government fees) 50.00
2 Online leaflet application 100.00
3 Online Passport Application 100.00
4 Passport fee submission 30.00
5 Rural Electricity Bill Deposit (1-500) 5.00
আবেদন Online electricity meter application 100.00
Visa checking 50.00
. Computer Compose A4 30.00
9 Computer Compose Legal 35.00
10 prints (per page) 10.00
11 Scanning (per page) 10.00
12 photocopies (per page) 1.50
13 e-mails (each) 30.00
14 photographs (per 3 copies) 30.00
15. Downloading and printing any information from online (per page) 10.00
18 Internet browsing (per hour) 50.00
18 Computer Training (3 months duration) 2000.00
16 Online Citizenship Certificate Receipt 20.00
Compose a copy of 19 Waris Sanad 30.00
Compose a copy of 20 character certificates 30.00
21 Online Trade License Application and Printing 60.00
22 Multimedia projector rental (per hour) 100.00
23 Online job application (excluding government fee) 60.00
24 Online Tender Dropping (EGP) 2000.00
Application for admission in 25 different schools, colleges and universities is 50.00
Download and print 26 different government forms (each) 20.00
Receiving the results of 28 different tests 10.00
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS